Uppsala Taxi at Arlanda Airport
Our telephone booking is open 24/7
Taxi transfers from and to Arlanda
With Uppsala Taxi you can travel conveniently between Uppsala and Arlanda Airport at a fixed price. You can book in advance by phone, online or via our App (Swedish). In the booking, you enter the arrival time of your flight. We will always meet you in the arrivals hall if nothing else is agreed upon.
Trips between Arlanda and Uppsala
Prices traveling to and from the city of Uppsala:
1–4 people: 675:-
5–8 people: 995:-
We reserve the right that reservations for a large taxi may be driven with two regular cars instead, at the price of 675 SEK*2. To add an extra pick-up or drop-off location in Uppsala, a standard fee of 150 SEK is issued.
We have fixed prices to many other destinations as well. For more information, contact us at: 018-100 000.
Trips between Arlanda and Stockholm
If you want to book a taxi in advance between Arlanda and Stockholm, the price is 1380 SEK for a regular car. If you go outside the terminal and find an available taxi, the cost is 790 SEK for a regular car.
The driver will wait in the arrivals hall for 60 minutes after your plane has landed. After that, if the driver can’t get in touch with you, they will leave. If you travel by charter flight, the car will be ready 30 minutes after landing and the driver will wait for 60 minutes after that. An extra fee of 30 SEK is added to all bookings as set by Swedavia as a pick-up fee.